Friday, January 17, 2014

Let's Show Mom We Can Do It!

I know it has been WAY too long since I've last made a post. But this one is specifically for my dearest mother. If I were to point out some one who is a hard worker, a mentor, motivational, awe inspiring woman it would be my mom. She is a Network Social Media Marketer and she's a hell of a person. She is literally working all day an mostly during the wee hours of the night. Currently she is using my laptop to do most of her business. As I do not mind her using my computer at all. I feel that she deserves the best of the best. She has always wanted a Mac Book Pro since forever and I want to do that for her. I currently do not have the currency  to get this wonderful gift for her. So I figured why not make a Go Fund Me right? I see people all day doing Go Fund Me for all sorts of donations that I think are wonderful and amazing and I wanted to make one for her. So I did.

Even if you do not donate I will appreciate it if you spread the word with me and get one goal at a time. I honestly love this lady more than anything in the world (besides my little munchkin of course) but because she has helped me through thick and thin and been my best supporter all the way through. 
Thank you all for donations an spreading the word, YOU are awesome and lovely.

Watch Video:

Much Love,
Sara Litardo 

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